其实,在留学申请时写的研究计划,如果能做到在课题和研究思路上具备创新和深度当然是最好的,但Potential supervisor 或者招生committee 更看重的是RP内容能否展现学生对于现有课题和领域具有深入了解,从而考察学生是否拥有扎实的学术基本功和学术能力。文献综述(Literature Review)便是RP中最能展现你学术实力的部分。
那么什么才是优秀的文献综述(Literature Review)呢?
从字面的意思来看,你的literature review 不仅仅要有literature, 还要有review; 也就说,将文献或者作者研究成果进行简单罗列或者堆砌是远远不够的。Review需要我们对于既有的文献做出批判性的阅读,从而给我们自己的研究搭建出一个context或者框架。这就好比我们从网上订购了一个书架,寄过来的都是一块块板材和螺丝钉,而我们要做的就是把这些板材和零件按照自己想要的框架组建起来,在其放上我们的methodologies, research questions这类“书籍”。所以在写完Literature Review 之后,大家也要好好问一下自己如下几个关键问题:
◆ 我的literature review 是否缺乏重点?是否有逻辑连贯性?
◆ 我是否对literature进行了批判性的评估?
◆ 我的literature review 能否体现我对于这个领域的全面了解?
◆ 我的literature review 能否明确地向读者展现目前该领域的knowledge gap?
XXXXX, written by XX (1849-1922) was published in 1920, was the first monograph that documented XXXXXX. Most of the materials in this book (especially its Vol.2) draw from archives of the Municipal Council of Shanghai, which provides a reference source for the later studies on Shanghai’s concessions, such as XXXXX and XXXXX. These two books are referred by my research when it comes to discussions on XXXXXXX. XXXXX like an encyclopedia about Shanghai, and the chapter XXXXX mainly shows how Japan gradually replaced Britain and France in controlling Shanghai at the military, financial, and political levels completely between 1937 and 1945. The data of price and population make me have a reasonable argument basis when discussing XXXXXX. Additionally, I would like to put forward XXXX and XXXXX, which were born in the wave of Shanghai studies in recent years. They do not conform to the specifications of intellectual works but turn to the civic culture by oral history. Although they seem to be relatively loose, fragmented and life-style when presenting XXXX, they inspire me to pay more attention to XXXXX.
◆ 虽然是Literature review 的节选,但是可以看出,这篇Literature review的最大问题在于并未向读者展现该领域的研究情况,而是罗列出自己的研究中会用到的研究文献,这完全偏离了Literature review 的初衷,当然也没有办法让读者通过这部分literature review就可以完全了解该领域目前的研究现状;
◆ 该部分的literature review, 仅仅对相应的学术文献做了简要的概括和分析,并没有对文献做批判性的阅读。而仅有的一些“批判性”阅读,比如:“They do not conform to the specifications of intellectual works but turn to the civic culture by oral history. Although they seem to be relatively loose, fragmented and life-style when presenting XXXX, they inspire me to pay more attention to XXXXX.”评述的语言表达太中式、口语化,内容过于笼统,且没有说服力、不客观,从而完全无法展现学生的学术严谨性和扎实的基本功;
◆ 虽然单词只有两百个左右,但是段落完全没有逻辑性。再者,为什么从文献A的描述会转到文献B,也没有逻辑线进行串联,更让读者觉得文献是随机选择的,让整个段落没有形成一个有机的整体。
Current western research related to XXXX , particularly XXXX, mainly focused on XXXXX , with XXXX as one of the representative historians who investigated XXXXX. For instance, in his research of XXXXX, Fu presented XXXXXX by careful examinations of XXXXXXX. The focus on the XXXX was also highlighted by XXXXX, who studied XXXXX. The scholar studied XXXXX in a broader historical context with insights into the situations of XXXXX during the war such as XXXXXX. XXXXX is another historian and literature researcher who made some contributions to XXXXX with a focus on the XXXXX during this turbulent times via a comparative study of XXXXX. However, after a look at the previous research, it is interesting to realize that XXXXXX instead of XXXX, which may be attributed to XXXXXXX. A good case in point is XXXXXXX, where the author pointed out that XXXXX. Cheng is not the only one of this group of researchers. XXXXX also XXXXXXXXX.
◆ 经过团队RP小伙伴的重新梳理,选取并总结了与学生研究领域最相关以及最核心的文献;
◆ 整个段落围绕研究领域的一个侧面展开,不仅探讨了核心的文献和研究进展,也讨论了这些研究共同的gap,整个段落在逻辑上更为紧凑和连贯;
◆ 用语和用词显得学术、明确、流畅;即便是非专业人士,也可以很好地了解该领域的背景知识。
The studies of XXXX generally focused on the following aspects: Before 1980s, there were two main arguments. First, XXXX were regarded as XXXXX since the XXXX was unique, an argument that could be easily found in archives complied by XXXXXX. These group of scholars claims that XXXXXX. Second, most XXX scholars support the claim that XXXXX . The bone of contention is XXXXX. However, the XXXX were not merely XXXXX , but were launched in a more complex context where XXX and XXXX as well as XXXXX all played their parts in the XXXXX.
虽然只有短短一段,而且看似使用的文献并不是很多,但是行文结构清晰,对于研究文献和内容分类明确,正恰恰体现了学生扎实的学术基本功。无论是写学术文章还是留学文书,并不是字数越多、内容越多越好;往往越精炼的文字和语言,以及越清晰的行文逻辑,越需要我们付出更多的时间和精力;因为只有对于该领域有一个全面和深入的了解之后,我们才能达到高屋建瓴、把握全局的能力,才能写出一篇精炼和有说服力的research proposal。
九牛问津已对“研究计划服务”进行了全新一轮的提升,往后将由与我背景相当的博士小伙伴为大家精心打造、修改每一篇RP,助力各位学弟学妹顺利对接心仪的申请专业、课题组、教授。感兴趣的小伙伴请戳下方链接了解详情~我们下期将继续探讨五部曲的第三部:research questions,敬请期待~