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【文书关18】研究计划五部曲(3):学会自问自答RESEARCH QUESTIONS

日期:2021-07-06 14:59:24


海外博士申请研究计划的第三个核心:Research questions(研究问题),顾名思义,是指你的研究计划中需要研究的问题。Research questions虽然在整个RP中所占的字数不多,却决定你的introduction 如何展开,literature review 的覆盖面以及围绕着这些问题将使用的methodology。

区区5-10个左右的问题,往往是教授审核的appetizer,决定他们是否会吃你这道main course

那么这道appetizer如何来体现学术素养呢? 同样,按照惯例,这里先列出几个评判research questions的标准:

◆ 表述是否清晰?

◆ 是否符合逻辑并且有说服力?

◆ 话题是否过于宽泛?



Main Research Questions

There are three research questions that my proposed research examines. The first research question is that “What is the value of adopting temporary urban intervention as a redevelopment tool in historic streetscape conservation?” This question aims to XXXXXXXX. Based on its value, the second question asks “What is the specific problems that temporary urban interventions strive to resolve?” The research would examine the XXXXXXXX in certain realities. Following that, the third research question is that “How traditional up-down conservation tools and bottom-up temporary urban interventions could collaborate to strengthen each other?” This research will evaluate XXXXXXXXX. Meanwhile, it will also address how XXXXXX practices can enhance temporary XXXXX by identifying their common values and stakeholders.


◆ 本例中的research questions 冗长而且不明晰。在书写research questions 的时候,我们建议用bullet point 的形式单独列出每一条问题,而不是把问题和内容堆在一起形成一个chunk. 虽然这看起来只是一个表现形式的问题,但恰恰这种表现形式决定了教授阅读的前几十秒是否会产生继续阅读的欲望;

◆ 3个research questions 过于宽泛,可能导致research proposal 的研究无意义,甚至逻辑上不成立。越具体的research questions 反而越能体现作者对于该领域和专业的深入研究以及思考;

◆ 语言表达和思维习惯偏中式,会引起阅读障碍。

在发现这些问题后,我们与该学员进行了多轮的沟通和头脑风暴,试图详细了解这位学生之前的研究背景和学术背景,希望可以帮助她进一步不断缩小课题范围,将research questions 具体化。在和学生沟通过程中,我们决定发挥学生独特的文化背景优势,将研究内容变成comparative studies, 挑选了两个中西文化中的代表城市的例子,进一步深化研究在文化、社会、经济制度层面上的意义。


◆ What is the significance of XXXXX as a redevelopment tool in XXXX conservation both in XXXX and XXXX ?

◆ What are the specific problems that XXXX face in its XXXXX projects?

◆ How do traditional up-down conservation tools and bottom-up temporary urban interventions collaborate to strengthen each other in both XXX and XXXX ? Specifically, how traditional XXXX practices can enhance XXXX by identifying their common values and stakeholders?

◆ What causes the different practices in the XXXX conservation in XXX and XXX ? Will the differences in social, cultural, institutional and political context influence the practices?


◆ 经过修改后,research questions 在布局上更加简单明了,方便读者一眼抓住中心;

◆ 整合了原文中的research questions 的逻辑,具体化题目的范围,让研究问题更有重点;

◆ 拓展了研究层面,不仅仅从专业技术角度进行研究,更拓展到了文化、社会、制度层面的探讨,深化研究意义。

当然, research questions也是对你英语写作能力,以及学术思维严谨性的一个体现。


This proposed doctoral project aims to investigate XXXXXXXX.

◆ RQ1: What is the relationship between Chinese kinship support and students’ XXXX?

◆ RQ2: What are the differences between the support of both Chinese parents and other relatives in XXXXX for students with or without their siblings?

◆ RQ3: How does Chinese-characterised kinship influence students’ academic self-efficacy?


◆ Q1表意模糊:例如关于kinship support 是否有确定的定义?kinship 的范围什么? 在该研究中,如何定义kinship support 及范围? 

◆ Q2歧义多多:该问题是想研究parents 与relatives 的不同,还是想研究有兄弟姐妹的学生和独生子女的不同? 

◆ Q3定义不清:具体什么是Chinese-characterised kinship? 本研究中将如何定义此类的kinship? 是否与常规的定义不同?如果是,原因是什么? 

作为在学术界里摸爬滚打了多年的教授们一眼便可看出你的思维严谨性和学术潜能。所以在开始写RP之前,多花时间去思考自己的research questions, 不断去细化和具象化你的研究问题,其余部分都围绕这些问题展开,自然水到渠成。



