Pursuing graduate studies in X is not only a fulfillment of my desire to contribute to the knowledge of this domain through experiments but also a crucial step for me to realize my career goal.
★ 开头一句话直接点明读研究生的动力。大部分机构会建议你杜绝这种开头。其实作为Reviewer,会因人而异。我所认识的几个Admission officers对这种开头完全可以接受。但此种开头对于全文的要求是:
a. 全文须简练且直达主题;
b. 须有进一步表现自己Motive的进阶性佐证。
★ 无明显语法错误,绿色背底为用词不当。这里再次强调,不建议使用类似“not only…but also”的句型,会增加整个句子的表达及阅读难度。
In the past three years, my academic study and research experience have confirmed my choice of majoring in X in college. On the one hand, through learning the courses arranged by our department and reading related books such as X, I am not only fascinated by this true interdisciplinary subject, but also realize that their vitality in industries.On the other hand, through my previous research experience, I have seen that the theories and operations that below researches are as fascinating as they are challenging, and I must have the chance toenrich myself in researches. Based on my interests in X and my passion for bringing a change to the world, I devoted to pursue the PhD degree by research and make my contributions to prompt the development of this cutting-edge subject.
★ 作为主体内容第一段,笔者已经开始天马行空了。此段落133words,却没有一句实质性内容,本质上可以说是开头段的拓展,然而模板式的“课程学习导致兴趣提升”、“为了改变世界而努力”完全无法显示笔者在专业内motive的进阶性提升。
★ 黄色背底为语法错误,属于minor error,当然还是需要尽量避免,真正的绿色背底致命伤major error在于用词极为不当,其中“on the one hand…on the other hand”是很多中国英语学习者的通病,此句型是用来compare two different facts or two opposite ways。换句话说,只可用于对比,不能用于并列。
★ 强调一下minor error和major error在Reviewer眼中的地位。这里脑洞大些,以在英国考驾照(DVSA driving test)为例,作为世界最难拿下的驾照,在路考过程中,可以容忍15个minor mistakes,但只要有1个major mistake,就算fail。其实申请文书Reviewer的标准是非常类似的,对于major error的容忍度非常低。
As one of the top 20 X nationwide, your department will provide me with the opportunity to outstanding in this field. Also, I am triggered by your high standard core curriculum. The rigorous requirements of PhD core courses emphasize the depth of the curriculum. Meanwhile, it offers other courses which focus on practice and application to extend the width of curriculum. Besides, XX is one of the best cities in your country.
★ 内容部分第二段直接开始“跪舔”所申请的学校,逻辑结构混乱。Reviewer的感觉是关于你的background我连皮毛都没了解到,为什么就开始说我们学校了?
★ 内容上来说,作为Ph.D. candidate,申请博士专业,主业不是学习课程,而是做科研做课题。因此在“跪舔”对方时,只谈及对方的博士课程多么有吸引力,直接说明了你可能对于博士的规划仅限于学习,不要说research proposal,也许连一个research topic都没有。
★ 最后一句画蛇添足。在强调“我选择你们学校的理由”时,切忌提到“国家有多棒”、“城市多美丽”、“环境多诱人”等肤浅型理由。之前遇到过极端PS,申请北美,整个结尾段(占全文1/2篇幅)在陈述自己的American情节和American dreams,这种文书团队是拒绝修改的。
I feel my education at X has well prepared me for a further degree. In the past three and half years, I have maintained a competitive 3.XX overall GPA. I have been awarded various academic scholarships. Theupward trend in my grades shows that I am at my strongest point academically, and I feel I am ready for future success in graduate school. In addition to my course work, I am also a team leader of our basketball team, which will facilitate me to become a competitive researcher at graduate school.
★ 此段作为结尾段无合理性,仅从结构上分析,最多成为内容段一部分;
★ 内容上来说,犯了我们之前提过的同样毛病,在PS里把CV里应该呈现的东西简单罗列出来了,没有任何实质性证明自己学习能力、矛盾解决能力、领导能力的solid evidence。
★ 全文300+ words到此结束,首先完全没有达到正常PS的篇幅;其次作为Ph.D. candidate,内容方面没有涉及到任何的research background,实在让人诧异。如果说solid evidence的缺失让整篇PS失去了血肉,此部分的缺失则使它失去了灵魂。整篇阅读下来看不到motive, goal, background, abilities, skills。
★ 语言上此处强调一个通病:口语化。如“I feel…”是不能再书面表达上出现的,需要用正常的“I think…”或“I deem…as…”等书面形式来代替。